Book Sculpting

Book Sculpting

Book sculpting is the art of transforming a book into a work of art. While destroying the literary value is uncomfortable for some, the optical impact of the ensuing artwork is ultimately worthwhile of the sacrifice. The estimate of time and attempt involved will decide how detailed the work is. However, book sculptures vary from easy to highly detailed. Mighty optical imagery may be achieved whether way. There are several ways sculpting a book can be accomplished.

Book Sculpting

Hardcover books are a good choice of medium, and the choice of many artists who work in this medium. This might be because of both their sturdiness, and farranging perceived great capability than paperback books. A hardcover book also provides its own solid structure for creating a book statue that whether stands on its own or hangs on the wall.

Skills Paperback Book

Ideas and inspiration for creating a book statue should be found from the title of the book, a theme, or idea of the book, or even the cover design. This will help the viewer make a connection in the middle of the literature and the art. For example, a book statue I am in the process of creating is of a bottle being tossed around the ocean. The title of the book is Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks.

Techniques vary with each sculpture, although I try to avow the integrity of the medium by creating the statue practically entirely out of the book. Beginning with a sharp box or exacto-knife, remove just the town out of several book pages. These pages can then be rolled, folded, or attached, shredded, pulped, or otherwise manipulated in anything way you need to generate your make idea. The pages are whether now your base, or armature, for a more detailed design, or a complete make on their own. If you pick to cover your armature, you can be choosy about the text that your audience sees on the sculpture. For instance, on the bottle for Message in a Bottle, the text that I used was the message in the bottle from the story. This provides another artistic connection to the literature. Most sculptures are usually always attached to the book itself, rather than discarding the book and using just the pages.

Some book artists pick simply to remove content from the books, and part of the cover, so the images that remain generate the sculpture. Some artists generate abstract representations. Books also can be attached together, and they can be carved using a saw or carving tool. Imagination and creativity decide the techniques involved.

Book sculptures are unique additions to bookshelves, sofa tables, and libraries. They are easy conversation starters, and every piece tells a story.